Thursday 8 March 2012

Kony 2012

Via Sage Francis - who says:
I'm not really a culture maker, but I can make Joseph Kony famous in strange circles. Take a moment to learn about this piece of crap. However, you can also learn a little something about the Invisible Children activist group by checking this blog: Awareness is good...on both sides. Just know what you support and why.

Uganda rebel Joseph Kony target of viral campaign video

...However, Invisible Children was accused of spending most of its raised funds on salaries, travel expenses and film-making.
Bloggers also pointed out that NGO watchdog Charity Navigator had given the group only two out of four stars for financial accountability.
And an article in Foreign Affairs which accused Invisible Children and other non-profits of having "manipulated facts for strategic purposes" was circulated on the web.
Invisible Children posted a blog to answer the criticism.

Kony 2012: what's the real story?

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